Turn your meetings into collaborative workshops
Empower your employees to accelerate change
![Sharemeeting logo Sharemeeting](https://www.sharewizme.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/New_ShareMeeting_def.png)
Become more collaborative with digital
Turn your meetings more interactive
Accelerate exchanges
Put the group into motion
Make each stakeholder agent of change
Ask open ended questions!
Let's build all together the company's future
When you gather all your employees in seminars, why not take advantage to listen to them?
Ask them what is going well in the company, in their activity, what is not going so well, what should be changed…
Leverage their feedback about their experience, ideas, feelings, expressed anonymously in their own words.
Build together your business plan, your vision, your identity, based on what you have in common, common values, desire and dream.
At each level, collect their feedback through “simple” open ended questions, from their PC or mobile phones.
Analyze their answers and share them in real time !
Once collected, analyze their answers, edit the exhaustive report with all the verbatim classified by theme, and share it to the group :
The data will bring you much more beyond the tagclougs : click on each word and access to all the verbatim of this theme.
Read them to the group, so that everybody in the room can access to other’s point of view ; align all the stakeholders on a common view and the group’s issues.
How to start a ShareMeeting
I saw the prices below, call for a quote to confirm, then I ordered my session of ShareMeeting .
I can read the article on the art of asking good open ended questions ; I even can validate with ShareWizMe hotline the wording of the questions I will ask.
I create my private account on ShareWizMe website (sign-up) to set-up my event in my space (i.e. choosing the language, creating the questions, …). In a few hours of training on skype and with our tutos, I am able to pilote the solution by myself (with ShareWizMe’s hotline support if needed).
I can also decide to outsource the Sharemeeting to Sharewizme’s teams : standalone or ” managed services “, it is your choice!
ShareMeeting Prices
You have the choice between two ways (standalone or managed services )
and two packs:
“Interactivity pack”, to promote interaction with the speaker:
- Collect room’s questions to the speaker, moderate them, show them on the wall,
- Ask closed questions, votes, quizz, show the results on the wall,
- edit the pdf report within 24 hours.
- NB : no analyse available in this pack, nor filter by tables or groups
“collaborative pack”, for a real team work :
- analyse the verbatim, cluster them, theme by theme, in real time,
- share the results to the attendees, show them the tagcloud, click in each word to access to the sorted verbatim
- choose the restitution type beetween tagcloud, pie chart, histograms,…)
- Filter the feedback by tables, groups (for example during Open Forum, World café, …) or meeting involving many sites remotly.
Collaborative pack price in standalone (by events)
less than 20 partakers- Partakers by event :
- Messages by event :Â
- Questions by event :Â
- collection channel :Â
- SMS channel :
Until 100 partakers- Partakers by event :
- Messages by event :
- Questions by event :
- Collection channel :
- SMS channel :
Unitl 200 partakers (beyond, on quote)- Partakers par event :
- Messages by event :
- Questions by event :
- Collection chanel :
- SMS channel :
“Collaborative pack” exclusive strengths
Plug & Play
Back-up SMS
The Wifi connection isn’t good enough ? Let the attendees answer by sms, to a special number (no surtax, optional service).
Analyze in real-time
Thanks to the semantic analyser, leverage the contributions without any delay and share them to all the attendees.
Open forum
In open forum, world café… , collect and share the contributions filtered group by group.
Automatic Report
Don’t spend days retipping the attendees’ post-it and paperboards. We generate by yourself the report with all the feedbacks and analyses.
Start for free your first digital event!
Sign-up for free